Thursday, July 21, 2016

Water-Cooler Talk

When McAfee acquired Secure Computing, we pretty much all suspected Dave DeWalt was putting lipstick on his pig in an attempt to create a liquidity event for himself.  You could see a lack of integration and R&D investment from the start... much less an understanding of Network Security.  Poor Intel is now stuck holding the goods.  Case in point:

- Current MS Word Document making it's way around the Internet as of 1 hour ago and phoning home to Mother Russia per this Forcepoint Sandbox Report.

- As you'll note in the above report, the outbound call is detected in real-time by Forcepoint as a generic threat:

- What is the threat?  The Forcepoint ACE Engine identifies it as a Dropper File:

- What does Intel/McAfee think about the site?  It's a Shopping site with Minimal Risk from their perspective:

Need help in ripping out your McAfee solution for a true single pane of glass?  Connect w/ESPO Systems and request a free consultation.